Archives September 2007

Long Day's Conference (Presentations and consultations...)

Spent the day at the International Forum on e-Learning and Standardization at which Walter suggested I present. 10 minute general introduction on the project. I'm told all the presentations were being recorded and should show up online at some point.

Rest of the day spent mostly in answering questions for people. I'm getting toward exhausted ...

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When someone hasn't heard (You want to put your hand up in the middle of the speech...)

Went to the opening of the conference today. Speaker was the new Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. He mentioned various programmes for providing texts, and eventually (maybe) computer access to the communities and reserves in the North. He was talking about schemes such as having computers in the libraries that could be checked out, or maybe ...

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Cool, I'm married (Ring to prove it...)

Well, as of yesterday afternoon, I am now a married man. Soni was beautiful. The wedding march (Imperial March from Star Wars by Metallica) wasn't loud or distinct enough to be scary/ominous sounding, but she still came down the aisle. It wasn't the aisle we'd wanted (we wanted the outdoor chapel, but it was raining). ...

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Fast Approaching Deadline (Fun-fun-fun...)

Wedding is tomorrow afternoon. Weather report says 90% chance of rain (for our planned outdoor ceremony). Likely have to retool for an indoor ceremony. Flowers and dress getting picked up now. Shoes producing blisters during break-in. Music for the ceremony still needs to get sorted out. Ceremony practise never got done. Rides to the (rather ...

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What's our porting status? (Just curiousity...)

I'm wondering, is anyone actively working on porting the Sugar/Fedora7 environment to the various other inexpensive machines? What about to thin-client Linux solutions? Probably it would work loosely on anything Debian based via the work that people have been doing on Ubuntu porting for sugar-jhbuild.

I realise that the 1CC folks are all busy with ...

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Documentation and Auto-documentation (My day in tracking things down...)

Spent the first 8 or so hours of the day tracking down documentation, creating auto-generated documentation and the like. Results are on the Tutorials and API Reference pages on the wiki.

Then sat down to work on making a simple API documentation system that's template based. Working off epydoc's introspection mechanism for that. So far ...

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