Archives Nov. 16, 2007

Full-speed Dev Environment that "Just Works" (May be...)

Just downloaded and installed the Sugar packages for Ubuntu (Gutsy). Seems to have simply worked out-of-the-box, just click "install, apply-updates" and a few minutes later there's the Sugar environment. Still need to see if everything works and I can add my own activities, but promising looking. If it worked on Gentoo too I'd be ...

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Argh! Proposals! (Completely forgot them today...)

Way too few hours in the day. Need to get proposals put together for PyCon Tutorial and Talk. So little time, so much to get done.

Got the XO and the big laptop sharing via bzr on the workstation at home at least. Big laptop is currently in the middle of upgrading itself as a ...

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Nov. 15, 2007

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Nov. 17, 2007
