Archives Aug. 8, 2008

Lazy wrappers around functions

As (extension) functions in OpenGL often are not available until a valid context is created (and functions can be available/unavailable for different contexts), it's necessary to do some lazy-loading inside PyOpenGL sometimes.  Discovered today that the glHistogram wrappers were doing load-time checks for function availability and only wrapping the functions if the checks succeeded.  So, ...

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Channels and keys and loops, oh my

Worked on qnet yesterday.  Got the stateless (ordered, not guaranteed) channel working.  Basically this channel allows you to send messages with "keys" (think of them as sub-channels) where each key is considered to be a stateless update.  That is, each message with a given key is a complete update as to the current state of ...

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Aug. 9, 2008
