OpenGLContext-full working on Ubuntu Again

pip's changes to not install pre-release software caught me up on my bad habit of just leaving alphas and betas of little-used packages that pass testing up as the "final" release. While I'm going to have to get that habit quashed, I've updated OpenGLContext-full in the meantime to pull the correct betas and have pushed new betas for PyVRML97 and OpenGLContext.  Long story short, you can now do:

pip install "OpenGLContext-full==3.1.0b1"

and on Ubuntu 13.10, at least, you'll get a working OpenGLContext environment.  As usual, there are some caveats, such as needing to have the build requirements for Pillow, Numpy, etc. But on a machine with all that, after churning for a very long time, you can run OpenGLContext code.

It will NOT work on Win32 at the moment, as I haven't pushed rebuild accelerate modules, and OpenGLContext-full depends on those.


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