Archives Nov. 5, 2004

Why aren't women allowed to notice that other women are "hot"? (Seems like a perfectly reasonable observation...)

Had a lady remark that one of my friends was "hot" in her hallowe'en costume, then immediately explain it with "though I'm a girl, so I'm not supposed to notice things like that".

I mean, sure, men have been raised to be homophobic and neurotic about their own sexuality enough that it's understood they are ...

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Oh, and speaking of billing (Though I try not to do that as much as possible...)

Turns out that my time on Monday at the client's client was un-billable... grrr.

Six hours of high-stress "emergency" @#$P dealing with someone else's poor planning (pulling us off of other projects with 10 minutes notice and then neglecting to give us key information), and we can't even charge regular rates for the two of ...

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Long day with Nevow (SIP project UI redesign...)

Well, since I got the first 90% done in 11 hours, I guess I should expect that the last 10% will take 99 hours (using the old 90:10 rule). Today was all just web-UI stuff, creating forms, wiring them up to the database, realising that they needed schema changes, changing that, then changing all the ...

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Hmm, OpenGLUT/FreeGLUT steals my weekend (Well, part of it...)

Apparently Fedora Core 2 is now using FreeGLUT, so PyOpenGL needs to grow somewhat to support that (it uses different API version declarations at the very least, and has some extra features as well).

Not that upset about it, I've also got an invitation to a b-day party for a pair of very attractive and ...

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It's been way too long since I listened to Brave New Waves (Ogg stream reminds me that I've been neglecting experimentalism...)

The CBC, Canada's public broadcaster has had a long-running experimental-music show, Brave New Waves, which I used to listen to back in University (using a plain old stereo). I would actually listen to the CBC most of the day while doing my thesis, switching back and forth between CBC1 and CBC2 as various ...

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Nov. 4, 2004

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Nov. 6, 2004
