Archives Jan. 26, 2006

Tulle Princess

How now, what treachery is this
She's after the crown is she now
We'll see what crown she'll wear
When my well penned soldiers
Part her flowing hair
My kingdom
Princely estate of white
I shall not let you fall to some
Queen-seeming girl with
Naught but crowns and silken verse
To protect her from ...

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Drinking Too Late

Days disappear in pointless thrashing
When eyes burn with fatigue
But minds refuse to quench their search
So I sleep but do not rest
Waking to dreams of disemboweling
With a cracked fingernail
Know better than to drink so late
Or to try to sleep when it is done

AMI protocol for Twisted (Another one...)

Got home rather late from the Toronto Asterisk User's Group meeting, hanging out with Leigh, Simon and Shidan afterward at the restaurant and then the bubble tea place. Unfortunately, got home wired for sound because of all the sugar in the bubble tea (rather too much IMO), so I decided to take a crack at ...

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Jan. 24, 2006

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Jan. 27, 2006
