Author archives: Mike
Sure, it's easy to install, but 10 times? (Knoppix install goes poorly on messed up hardware...)
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Knoppix, as many of the none of you will surely know, is a bootable Debian Linux CD. It is also one of the easier ways to install Debian, you boot into the full Linux environment off the CD and run a (rather primitive) script to install to the hard-disk.
Ding-dong Metaclass is Dead (Ding-dong the presentation's in...)
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Sat down and did the review and final edit of the metaclass presentation this morning before work. I have more hope that it will fit in the time-slot. Basically if I only hit the top-level bullets and gloss over the sample code we'll be fine.
The work-week beckons (Planning and scheduling and timelines oh my!)
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The presentation final draft is due Wednesday. There's no business cards for Mikey yet. Work on importing framework must continue, as must the whole-system simulator. Too much to do, too few days. Oh well, off to it.
A Safe Place to Explore Ideas (Playfulness in design as a mechanism to allow exploration of difficult topics)
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Design Theory.
Apropos to the question of play in design, particularly the effect described in my thesis of providing a safe environment for exploring ideas:

What you see here is a fairly deep topic; getting caught up in trivialities and as a result losing the chance to demonstrate affection. It's something that's painful for many people, yet ...!-->!-->!-->!-->
Robotics of electro-active polymers for space (Scatterthought ideas on the DARPA race)
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Well, as everyone and their brother has been reporting, the DARPA race across the desert wound up with best showings of 7 miles (14km or so). Lots of coverage of the mechanical exoskeleton for soldiers as well.
Of course, coverage of Spirit and Opportunity has been phenomenal Still, they're expected to drive maybe a few ...!-->!-->
Sleep should be more restful (Why do my eyes still hurt?)
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Went to bed right after work yesterday. Slept most of today. Yet still my eyes are sore and bloodshot. Keep getting up every few hours and trying to do a little work only to realise I'm not really in any shape for it. Suppose there's tomorrow.
Need to look at RoundUp some day soon (We sell an issue tracker ourselves...)
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Darryl has third in series of articles in his blog on using the Round Up API directly that I should take the time to read some day soon. Probably should have Tim read it as well, since the issue tracker is mostly his baby.
Metaclass finishing (At last...)
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Well, it's finished. At least, everything is now reviewed and revised, with the code samples in colour-coded glory. Unfortunately, there's now 74 pages.
Little things add up (UI issues all night...)
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Got an email from customer' tech asking me to review the logs and see if there was a problem on our end during a given period. So, I check, which takes an hour or so of poking around in various log tables on various running instances, and then start drafting email to say basically "no, ...
Metaclass lovin (Clarity seems to be infusing the presentation)
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So either I'm getting too deep and forgetting the audience, or the whole of the presentation is starting to make sense. Still need the section discussing how to decide when to use them, and a review of how metaclasses fit into the goals of meta-programming. It's fairly clear IMO, however, so yay. It's a much ...