Author archives: Mike
Well, I suppose that's one way (Silly things that trip across my desktop...)
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Apparently university girls are selling themselves on eBay as "e-girlfriends" for those men too "busy, lazy or shy" to actually connect with a woman in real life. Sort of the kiddie-pool of escort services I guess. Tres étrange! and somewhat sad.
wxPython is migrating rather fast (Looks like maintenance on the wx projects would be a good idea)
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Just reading through the wxPython migration guide and change-log. I need to get cracking and update wxoo for the new apis & the changes. There's a lot of stuff that looks like it may break some of the hackier bits. Also thinking that I should see about creating and donating a multi-method mechanism to provide ...
Correspondence of yesterday (My own little news service...)
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For those following "The Life of Mikey":
- Emailed the beautiful one last night. She's busy with job and university applications.
- Rosey got her first acceptance letter for teacher's college from Lakehead (way up North).
- Alexei wrote, need to reply some time soon.
- Developer is needing help getting ConflictSolver put together, I'm going to have to ...
The next bug awaits... (Hierarchy properly created, but no record of group's values)
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Some day real soon I'll be able to make the front-page tree control display the group data... sigh. For some reason the group-data recorder refuses to actually insert any data (though it will insert empty records). I'm suspecting a problem in the database definition (i.e. lack of a unique key) as the code all seems ...
Joey's Redhead's wish list (Publishing the wish-list on the web, what a novel idea...)
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Joey's gf, "the Redhead" has put her wish list on the web. Friends and I often get together and discuss our wish lists, but I don't think any of us have published them. Of course Alanis Morissette's "21 Things I Want in a Lover" is a really public point in the continuum of publishing ...
Software bugs are most similar to ticks (They suck the blood (time) right out of a project)
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Been trying to track down this silly bug for... far too long. Basically two fields from the scanner aren't getting copied to the tracking table, as a result, the automatic generation of network hierarchy is failing (it can only assert that the modems belong to the CMTS, not that they exist on a particular channel). ...
Shrubbery and such-like (Tree controls developing apace)
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Webui uses a modified, chaining-friendly version of Zope3's page templates. It's very easy to create recursive templates, as the templates can readily call any registered view for any object to which they have access. The tree control is such a recursive template. It does a little work up-front to see how many children the current ...
Growing trees... (Webui gets new controls today)
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Client wants the UI to have an overview page, so looks like I'll be creating a tree+grid control to display all of the branches of the system with summaries of their current status. Doesn't look too terribly hard, so I'm expecting it to be a royal PITA :) .
Yesterday was useful, but the last ...
Metaclass presentation & code online (Well, presentation was always there, but the code is just up now)
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I've just uploaded the final metaclass presentation and the code samples for it to my website. The code samples are very low-level and readily followed (I hope), they just show where you put your finger to accomplish the various effects discussed in the presentation. The presentation is the full 74 page PDF I presented ...
Age creeps in... (Should stop thinking about this around now)
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Well, hitting 30 today. All-in-all it's a good life, if somewhat lonely. Too many friends lost in time. My fault, I suppose; need to work harder at it. Anyway, for now, get today's work done and maybe we can keep our collective heads above the miniscus.