Archives Nov. 25, 2004

Thinking as I try to find the Cinemon leak... (Considerations as the test-suite trundles)

I think it's time to move PyOpenGL off of SWIG and on to ctypes. Rene did some preliminary work on this... well... it's a while ago now. The basic C-style API isn't that hard, it's replicating the Pythonic API that causes the problems. It's likely worth the pain just to reduce build problems, the flexibility ...

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Oh, the day in hotspots (Suppose I should mention the real work...)

Think I've gone about as far as I can go without knowing what I'm trying to build for the hotspot project. I put up a quick framework, started filling in page templates with approximately what's needed, but without knowing what business information is needed/wanted, I can't really write the code to go behind the templates. ...

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wxoo fixes (Wooing developers into using BasicProperty, PyTable and wxoo)

Realised when asked a few days ago that I'd left wxoo sitting right in the middle of a major rewrite. The rewrite was necessitated by the wxPython 2.5 API changes. Those changes were... let's just say "nontrivial", and unfortunately, the new wxPython APIs changed as I was in the middle of doing the upgrade (reversing ...

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Nov. 24, 2004

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Nov. 26, 2004
