Archives Feb. 16, 2005
Since it came up this weekend (If people are in the market for contract programmers...)
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Yes, we (VexTech/The Cain Gang) are available for hire for programming projects. Feel free to contact us if you want to discuss a project.
We, incidentally, includes D'Arcy (maintainer of PyGreSQL, and a developer on PostgreSQL and NetBSD), Tim (the creator of the Vaults of Parnasus, primary sysadmin of Vex, and our ...
Morning meetings and evening hacking (With a nap in the middle to handle the first and prepare for the second...)
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We've started having our management meetings during the daytime (as D'Arcy is no longer working primarily at the one client's offices). Can't say I love the hour's commute, or getting up at unreasonable hours, but I got a lift back, and it's nice to pat the kitty-cats (they have 11) as we work.
After the ...
PyDispatcher as a source of inspiration... (Now we just need to make it a component people want to use.)
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Philip J. Eby has an interesting little article. First because he mentions PyDispatcher, second because he points to a Christopher Alexander article. The Alexander article isn't world-changing, but I always find it interesting when software developers quote architectural theoreticians (and yes, I know it's common with Alexander in particular).