Dinner at the house of pure love (Tre Fontane on Bloor...)

I've been to Tre Fontane before, many years ago, and remembered it mostly as a gelato bar with a very friendly owner. For the past few months I've been getting recommendations from Shane, and now from Jazz and Brendan to give their buffet a try, but mostly to go see Nico (the owner), who was described as being made of pure love.

What can I say, they were right. The food is good, mostly vegetarian, though Nico's wife, in the great Italian tradition piles a little too much on the plate. Nico and I spent an hour or so after dinner sitting and having a (complementary) expresso and chatting about life, the universe and everything. He repeatedly invited me to drop in, even if I'd eaten somewhere else, have a coffee, invite friends in, hang out and be comfortable.

My timing stinks, however, as they are going to close next Saturday for approximately 3 months (vacation). However, they are planning to switch their schedule from 3 nights/week to 6 nights/week when they re-open. Seems like I may have found a new place to hang out, though I have to admit that I still like the crowds in Starbucks for people watching.

Anyway, for those looking for a relaxed family-style restaurant with all the good food you can hold, recommended heartily.


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