Archives November 2006


Not this spot
Piling code on accounts
Or there
Piling stones on foundations
Not there
Piling dreams
On top of visions

Bit of tracker cleanup before serious work begins (Making a "raw" API easily accessible)

Been doing a bit of cleanup, getting minor patches integrated, setting up the trackers to provide v3.0 groups, that kind of thing. First major task I want to tackle is making an explicit "raw" sub-package that will provide the raw ctypes API for OpenGL. The purpose there being to allow projects that want to use ...

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Week off starts a little slowly (Sleeping half the day is *not* productive...)

I'm taking the week "off" to work on PyOpenGL. However, this first day has gone rather poorly with regard to actually getting anything done on the project. I read email for 1/2 hour this morning then just curled up on the floor (had been sorting papers on the bed earlier) and slept half the day ...

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