Archives 2006

Apparently joy in technology derives from ownership! (Or at least possession...)

Pleasant VexMeet this evening. I sometimes wonder just how bored people must get hearing me prattle on about things. I really need to get out more so I'm not so driven to talk when I see people... coincidentally...

ACI has loaned me a laptop so I can work on various projects in locations other than ...

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Need to speed up PySNMP 3.5.x (PySNMP-se (let alone PySNMP) is still too slow...)

In one of those cases where I'm too clever for my own good, I coded Cinemon to automatically back off from SNMP v2c to SNMP v1 when there were timeouts with the v2c software. The problem is that with v2c I get timeouts all the time due to the rather slow processing of the (large) ...

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Minor TwistedSNMP release is up (0.3.13)

This release just adds an errback so that failures during tabular-retrieval message integration (which shouldn't, but apparently can, occur) will cause the overall table retrieval to raise the error (instead of reporting an uncaught exception). You can get it from the TwistedSNMP homepage, as normal.

Why isn't the inclusion of ctypes the biggest news in 2.5? (I would be sleeping, but the poor little project stared at me with its big brown eyes...)

Did well over a full day's work on Cinemon yesterday, another full day today, but when I was wrapping up today I figured I really did need to get some work done on the VoIP project. So here I am, hours later, with a bit of a caffeine buzz.

Did anyone else note that the ...

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A Few Hours Walk

Some ruby light
In the far distance
A few hours walk
Across the rooftops
Wants me to leave
Walk away from this
Too constrained life
With white-washed
Hope-crushing walls
It wants me to walk
Dreaming toward it
To some other day
Down some other path
Where arms embrace
Smiles are simple and
To walk is ...

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Cleaning up the history of a project (Things you need to do on really long-running projects...)

I spent much of yesterday (when I wasn't trying to recover from multiple caffeine-driven nights this week and last) working on code cleanup for Cinemon. Cinemon is a rather old project, having had 3 or 4 major revisions (despite the 2.0 version number). The current code-base started off as a spike test to rewrite the ...

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Dratted memory leak appears (Haven't figured out how yet...)

We have a line-of-last-defense script that monitors a Cinemon server for failures/performance problems and kills/restarts the server if problems are detected. It's been running perfectly well for months upon months on multiple machines, but somehow it's started leaking memory on one (production-but-running-CVS-head) machine.

It's a ridiculously simple script (intentionally). It just retrieves a page using ...

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Lark's Melody

I weary of being your monster
Force outside your normal world
Of white-washed fences and lies
Untamed thing beyond the barrier
Unwanted intruder in the dark

Finally get an IMAP server installed (Local network only...)

I want to be able to access work email from Rose's laptop, but at the moment I'm using Thunderbird with mbox files on my desktop. So, I've now installed an IMAP server on the desktop and am in the process of moving the work email over to using it. I'll have to ssh tunnel into ...

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Caffeine is good medicine (Or maybe philosophy is...)

My headache seems to have abated with switching projects and drinking two large glasses of strong green tea (about a litre). Of course now I'm so wired I haven't a chance in heck of sleeping for a few hours. Think I'm going to try to get some more work done on the VoIP project. Hopefully ...

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