Archives 2006

Long term carreer goals (Pleasant little talk at U of T)

The Knowledge Media Design Institute is the group that Suzanne and others at the Philosophy department suggested as a good match for my continuing studies. Their lecture series happened to show up on the Toronto Philosophy discussion board, so off I trundled to check out the program.

The talk was by Rodney Hoinkes and Stacey ...

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Enjoyable but entirely too long of a day (Conversations galore...)

Plan for the day went off as expected, meeting, then Linux Caffe, then UU, then drinks afterward. I've decided I need to buy myself a laptop, not fair to be using Rose's every day all day, and I find I'm developing a bit of an addiction to not sitting in my room all day every ...

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Some Distant Spring

I wish I could remember
Whether my heart froze
Forgetting some warm summer
Or whether some distant spring
Melted me for just a moment
Leaving memories in the ice

Tweaks to the laptop configuration (And the glories of graph layout)

This was one of those days where I get to the end of the day and wonder where all the time went. There was an hour or two that disappeared in a meeting, and some little bits of billable time here and there, but mostly I spent the day testing and checking and correcting things ...

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Of TimeZones and other silliness (There really should be a standard...)

My eyes were just way too sore to stare at a computer this afternoon, so I napped for a few hours, then headed out to chat with Simon for a few hours more. I drank green tea the whole time, so I got home somewhat wired for sound.

I found and fixed a bug I'd ...

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Finally get around to installing the Toolkit compiler (Yes, yes, I know, why support a proprietary platform...)

In order to get a binary release of SimpleParse 2.1 for Win32 systems I need to be able to compile Python extensions on the platform. Luckily, I sort of wrote the book on it... unluckily, it's been a very long time since I've done it. The reports that using the .Net 2.0 Framework SDK is ...

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TwistedSNMP 0.3.12 released (Latency improvements, first public release of the PySNMP-v4 compatability code)

I've just released version 0.3.12 of TwistedSNMP, I didn't call it 0.4 mostly because the PySNMP-v4 code isn't yet usable (the PySNMP-v4 engine is just too slow to be useful in our applications). The changes to the version that uses v3.5+ are those mentioned earlier this week that reduce the latency during integration of ...

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Okay, finished with the already-published stuff (Garn that took longer than I would have thought...)

I think I've pretty much got all of the currently-published projects in the portfolio now. There were quite a few nice pieces that just fell through the cracks, also a few projects I'd completely overlooked because they weren't in the previous version (such as the PIM environment). I really should have statistics and introductions on ...

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