Archives week 45 of 2007

Nov. 5, 2007 - Nov. 11, 2007

Home and Happy (I Missed Soni)

I'm back in Toronto. Had a much easier trip home than the one out, though I didn't wind up sleeping at all this time. Pleasant older lady sat with me on the last leg (Vancouver to Toronto) and made the time pass quickly.

Total travel time was ~27 hours door-to-door, which made for a long ...

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Packing to Go (Other miscellany...)

Just about ready to go. I've only got the one bag to pack. I spent yesterday on two temples, the Guandu and Dalongdong Boan temples. The first is a very modern structure, in most areas the "temple" architecture is just an appliqué across a concrete frame. Still, it was peaceful sitting in the gardens and ...

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Game Jam Toronto Plans (Need to make some...)

We've got a venue (Linux Caffe). The venue is reasonably small, so we can't have more than about 8 people (otherwise we start annoying other customers and/or preventing them from getting a table). At the moment we have ~5 people, 4 coders and an artist (I'm counting myself as a coder for this project). We ...

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Wasted Time (Evening disappears trying to get networking working...)

Wanted to sit down and work on the olpcgames wrapper tonight. So, fired up my trusty VMWare and was promptly informed that it wasn't set up for this machine (I normally use it on the workstation, not the laptop). No big deal, set up networking and get working.

Hours later still no working network. I ...

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Nova isn't the right model for usb to vga (Many competing little shops...)

Checked every store at Nova. They are a collection of about 80 stalls on four levels. The prices were okay for USB keys (though if my conversions were right, no better than College Street in Toronto). There was one shop that had two flexible USB keyboards, but they didn't have a model I could test ...

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Learning in the Rain (Using my B4 in Taipei...)

Wound up with an awkward couple of hours yesterday, not enough time to really document the Confucious and Daoist temples, but an hour and a bit with some travel time at both ends before the OS Taipei meeting. Grabbed a coffee and went through the olpcgames wrapper code.

Started off in the caffe, then spent ...

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My Key Phrases (Should have just gone ahead and learned chinese years ago...)

My ESL friends back in University wanted to teach me Cantonese and I always wound up stopping after a few days of learning incredibly abstract and largely "useless" stuff (though fun, we started off reading Confucius, so all I got were extremely long decompositions of a few symbols in written form, which shaded pretty heavily ...

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Camera's on the Wrong Setting (Everything's blue...)

About 50% of my shots from yesterday are garbage due to blurring (in low light you're hands need to be very stable to get good pictures out of this model). Another 45% or so are ruined by a lighting-mode-compensation setting that was set for incandescent instead of exterior lighting (the 50% also share the issue, ...

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