Archives March 2015

Monitor Sinks a Whole Day of Work

So a while ago I purchased an Acer H276HL monitor to replace an old Asus monitor that had developed some weird behaviour where it would get stuck in a strange mode, then just decided not to turn on again. This morning when I got home from the cafe I discovered that new monitor in a ...

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PyOpenGL 3.1.1a1 is out

So this morning I realized I never actually got the PyOpenGL 3.1.1 release process kicked off. Did a bit of cleanup and testing and booted the first alpha out the door. This is basically just a bug-fix release, though it has some more extensions wrapped/available, as it uses an updated Khronos xml registry. There are ...

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NIST Sphere Format

I downloaded the TEDLIUM speech corpus last night, and this afternoon I poked around in it and said grr. It uses a NIST Sphere format which is basically a plain-text header followed by encoded samples... it's a WAV file, but with far fewer useful tools. Oh well, thinks I, I'll just transcode the files into ...

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Type Declarations for Python 2.7

So there's a big flamey thread over on python-list about the Python 3.x type-annotation. Thing is, I can't say the annotations seem all *that* important to the behaviour (static type checking): Consider this Python 2.7 decorator-set:

def _func_annotation_for(func):
    """Retrieve the function annotation for a given function or create it"""
    current = getattr(func,'func_annotation',None)
    if current is ...

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