Archives Oct. 14, 2005

The Path-and-Place metaphor (Why it doesn't satisfy...)

There's always a danger, when you start into describing the operation of the human mind in order to describe how to get something done (e.g. design a building). It's tempting to reduce the entirety of human perception down to a simple metaphor or process, something that can be readily understood. The problem is, human perception ...

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Existence, Space and Architecture (an older book by Christian Norberg Schulz)

The first book I picked it up this afternoon sounded fascinating, it's approach sounding very similar to my own, and I figured maybe I had found a kindred spirit. I decided that, rather than read it at the library, I'd keep looking for other books to take along with me, on the assumption that I'd ...

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Quiet day reading (And then some poker)

Spent the day at the library reading again. Seem to have hit that point where continuing to read is not going to help. I need to start writing some things to get a better feel for where I need more material.

I also spent some time reviewing my bachelor's thesis (in printed form). It's actually ...

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Oct. 13, 2005

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Oct. 15, 2005
