Archives week 29 of 2005
July 18, 2005 - July 24, 2005
My petard, it is exploding! (glutInit failure was due to an auto-generated wrapper)
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Finally got the glutInit function working (and, in fact, enough of GLUT to do a "hello world" with it). I even went to the extreme of adding a test case to ctypes that deals with a similarly structured argument set. The problem, it turned out, was that I was using the auto-generated wrapper, which had ...
The joy of infinite rebuilding
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Well, not the most productive of evenings. Hung the computer a couple of times trying to get K3B to work. Discovered a dependency was needing rebuilding (revdep-rebuild), so rebuilt that, am now trying to build KDE, just to see if that was the problem on that front, so haven't tested to see if K3B is ...
Lazy bum! (Get typing already...)
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For some reason my hands have been a mess since yesterday afternoon. Not sure if it's just stress from work, or just plain too much typing, but the little fire beetles they are a crawling. Probably should have gone out and done some exercise of some form today, but instead just lay in bed trying ...
To work on side-projects (Or to sleep...)
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It's been a long week. What I feel like doing is getting together with someone and chatting for a few hours, then dropping off to sleep. Just dropping off to sleep is pretty tempting too. Ah sleep, that glorious absence of reading and typing...
Brutalism in Design (Conversation in a cafe)
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Design Theory.
Okay, I'll try to do a better job of describing brutalism here than I did earlier when Simon asked me about it.
Brutalism comes from the general idea of alternative beauty. That is, it proposes that there can be beauty in that which is not refined or "finished". It proposes that the traces of creation ...!-->!-->
Have to get these things backed up! (Websites and the like...)
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Just realised this evening that I don't have a backup of my website other than the Vex RAID array. Not good, especially as I've got quite a few pieces that are uploaded from different projects (i.e. there's no directory on my workstation that has everything that needs to go up on the site).
Figured while ...!-->!-->
Sweet, simple love
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Somewhere a maiden sits by a stream
Wondering if the water's safe to drink
Maybe risking her perfect mahogany skin
By dipping a graceful digit into the flow
A gentle, kind, intelligent man
Fresh from a day of answering phones
Saving the rich from their Dell-dwelling dragons
Catches sight of the girl through ribbons of ...!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->
Did the sun forget to come up today? (Or did I just miss it?)
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I'm sure the sun must have been up at some point during the day, but I can't recall actually looking out to see that it did. Rather a long day of hacking and communicating. I seem to be missing a key (a primary key in particular) when attempting to create new telephone-number ENUM mappings. They ...