Archives week 47 of 2008

Nov. 24, 2008 - Nov. 30, 2008

Settling In Nicely After a Long Move

Soni and I moved into our new apartment over the last two days.  Long couple of days.  Our old building's administrator told us two days before the move that we couldn't use the elevator in the period for which we'd asked, so we had to reschedule the movers at the last moment.  They called to ...

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(S)ick and Yay!

I came down with a flu a few days ago.  Have been at home sleeping since, seem to be over the worst of it.

On the extremely bright side, Soni brought home the new laptop yesterday.  Vista really does suck rocks... how can an uber-laptop like this crawl under Vista?  Anyway, I've shrunk the Vista ...

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