Category archives: Vindaloo

Discussions of the spice of life, spices, and/or life.

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Pleasant afternoon with Golnar (Now back to work (sigh))

Same old feeling of needing to cram my consciousness back into boring coding again. Today I'm going to try to finish off the wxoo conversion to wxPython 2.5 and maybe get some decent demos set up for PyTable's wxoo mechanisms. Last night I spent a few hours rewriting the current hotspot in PySNMP, unfortunately, though ...

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This just keeps happening (Shouldn't listen to my family...)

Back when I was a kid (10 or so) I had this idea as I was being dragged about the mall for a foldable three-legged chair for tired husbands/brothers to carry on shopping trips. It would be a lightweight foot-high contraption that would fold into a package that could be readily secured to the body ...

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At least there's something to read (Coming full circle and reading encyclopedias again)

I've got approximately 15 minutes in the edit-test-debug cycle where I wind up doing house-cleaning (mostly electronic) and/or searching for little tasks I can do without messing up the actual test. However, I'm thinking I should spend the time reading the Wikipedia.

Stupid things that cross my desk (Child pornography charges against the child?)

As I sit here waiting for the server to be re-built, I'm trolling through my regular news sources. What should I see but this story. Wherein a 15 year old is charged with charged with child pornography offences for having created and shared pictures of herself.

Sheesh, $117CDN total income for a year? (I know, I know, I was doing open-source all year, but still...)

Just finished sorting everything out for the 2002 and 2003 years. $117 total income in 2002 (all bank-account interest), with $40 spent on the PSF membership and $40 donated to charity. Net income of $37 dollars (CDN, so about $4US). Hardly seems worth filing, but I'll have to anyway. Of course, turns out I *didn't* ...

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Inevitabilities... (Chores and taxes...)

Did a few hours after work on getting the bit-rot out of ConflictSolver last night... not a lot of progress, though it's now able to at least load the main screen. The zcollection code is still seriously messed up, as the CS code is now expecting the new (heavily refactored) API, while zcollection itself is ...

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Correspondence of yesterday (My own little news service...)

For those following "The Life of Mikey":
  • Emailed the beautiful one last night. She's busy with job and university applications.
  • Rosey got her first acceptance letter for teacher's college from Lakehead (way up North).
  • Alexei wrote, need to reply some time soon.
  • Developer is needing help getting ConflictSolver put together, I'm going to have to ...

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