Archives Sept. 23, 2005

Convenience during development (Forgotten during release...)

So it appears that the recent spate of failures to build PyOpenGL are all basically the same problem. As I was developing PyOpenGL 2.0.2 I removed a check that was looking for an explicit version of SWIG (1.3.13), as I was moving to SWIG 1.3.23. I didn't spend the 10 seconds or so it would ...

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Dribs and drabs (Phone project cleanup, mostly)

Spent the day working on the VOIP front-end, mostly just fixing little bugs, tracking down bug reports to see if they were really bugs, testing and fixing minor UI bugs that cropped up, that kind of thing. I could probably just go to bed now, but that seems so horrible on a Friday night. Have ...

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Sept. 22, 2005

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Sept. 24, 2005
