Archives October 2005
Yay! The walls are getting fixed! (Finally...)
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We finally are going to get the walls fixed. The plaster in the living room has broken right open (about 4 feet wide), there's lots of other places where the plaster is "bubbling", and the stuff in the bathroom is just rotting away. Anyway, that means the next 3 days we're going to have work-people ...
Having trouble with describing perception (Don't have a good feel for the audience's knowledge of the subject)
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Design Theory.
I've been starting and restarting the next section of the thesis rewrite for an hour or so now. It's such a vast topic, and I really haven't got a good idea of how to present it to someone yet (I really need someone with whom to discuss these things). The original treatment worked from the ...
Compile farm account (Problems with PyOpenGL on RedHat)
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Design Theory,
I finally registered for a SourceForge compile farm account. Steven has been reporting failures to build on RedHat, so I figure I need a platform on which to test and debug. Should have it sometime tomorrow. Then just find the time to actually fix the problem.
I've been reading "Kant's Theory of Knowledge" by Georges ...
Pleasant evening as they played poker (Conversation is so much more interesting)
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Spent much of the the day on the little tasks that have to be done to avoid sliding into chaos and disorder; grocery shopping, house cleaning, that kind of stuff. After that spent a few hours on Kant before the party started.
Simon's girlfriend Leigh came. As always, she was a wonderful conversationalist, with lots ...
To Escape the Mania
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Should you need it
In some far off future
Though I cannot imagine why
I will instruct you here
Though I suggest you never try
To drop from joyous mania
Leaping through life
Peace and hope in all you say
Loving each face on the street
Smiling at all you survey
To escape from such ...
Definition of Design pt. 2 (When you forget to read the outline as you type...)
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Design Theory.
Reading the original outline I realised that my definition so far left off a number of key points. So, tack this onto the end (it feels tacked on when you read the whole thing through, will have to edit them into something a little less jarring):
What about âpaper designsâ or other unrealized plans; does ...
Definition of Design (Drafting a better introduction...)
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Design Theory.
The following is a very rough first draft of rewriting the introduction to my thesis. The summaries of Kant and Hume are a little too brief, I guess I'll have to flesh them out eventually. Anyway, here goes:
The problem with writing about design theory is that by and large designers and artists are mistrustful ...
Choosing and moving forward is good (TwistedSNMP begins to grow PySNMP 4.x support...)
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Today I committed to the PySNMP 4.x approach and began coding in earnest. Amazing how much faster things go when you have a commitment to the approach, you aren't constantly backing up and saying "wait a minute, shouldn't there be a better way", you just plow ahead and let the chips fall as they might. ...
Wires crossed somehow (I could have sworn he said this evening...)
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By the time I got down to the Linux Caffe (at 7:15) it was already closed. There were still a few customers hanging out, (including the very quiet girl from UU), but no Python programming workshop that I could see. Very disappointing.
The DNS failures continue to make working on the machine a serious PITA. ...
Day's productivity crumbles (Stupid router and/or DNS servers make progress halt)
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I've been working on testing the routers for the VOIP project. Somehow, though, the DNS resolution has been hosed in doing it. I gather it was something to do with swapping routers in and out all the time, but whatever caused it I now have DNS service maybe 1/2 of the time, and when I ...
Daily archives
- Oct. 1, 2005
- Oct. 2, 2005
- Oct. 4, 2005
- Oct. 5, 2005
- Oct. 6, 2005
- Oct. 8, 2005
- Oct. 9, 2005
- Oct. 10, 2005
- Oct. 11, 2005
- Oct. 12, 2005
- Oct. 13, 2005
- Oct. 14, 2005
- Oct. 15, 2005
- Oct. 16, 2005
- Oct. 17, 2005
- Oct. 18, 2005
- Oct. 19, 2005
- Oct. 20, 2005
- Oct. 22, 2005
- Oct. 23, 2005
- Oct. 24, 2005
- Oct. 25, 2005
- Oct. 26, 2005
- Oct. 27, 2005
- Oct. 28, 2005
- Oct. 30, 2005
- Oct. 31, 2005