Archives week 7 of 2007

Feb. 12, 2007 - Feb. 18, 2007

Apparently it's been a while since I used mythtv (Been down for at least 3 days...)

Being just about exhausted, I thought I'd take an hour or two to catch up on the science fiction shows I watch (Doctor Who, StarGate Atlantis, Battlestar Gallactica, and movies that come along). However, nothing could connect to the back-end server. nmap shows the ports for myth just plain not open. The logs just say ...

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Slipping quickly toward PyCon (Doesn't seem real yet...)

Weird to realise I'm leaving for PyCon on Thursday morning. So many things to get done before then, but somehow the idea that I'm leaving for 10 days just doesn't seem to be sparking the urgency it should. Oh well.

I'm beginning to think about what to do for the sprints. I'd love to have ...

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Though necessary, hardware is almost always problematic (At least, I only notice the hardware when there's a problem...)

Wednesday evening one of the (5) fans in the workstation/server at home died. No big deal, you say, the machine has 4 other fans...

I cracked open the case a few hours later to see which fan to replace and the internal cages for the drives were too hot to touch. One of the other ...

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New release of PyOpenGL is out (PyOpenGL-Demo too...)

Took the bulk of the day off today to get the next release of PyOpenGL out the door. I've re-enabled the numarray support, using the same underlying library as for the Numeric support (i.e. no binary modules). I've also stripped out the "Demo" directory and made a separate egg for that so that projects that ...

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Need to do a bit of porting (Where's the time...)

Realised today that SimpleParse doesn't build on Python 2.5. Something in the test for PY_HEX_VERSION is failing so it's trying to redefine functions that have been in Python since 2.3. Sigh. Also need to look at whether it's easily possible to get .egg files into an installer for Win32 users. I also want to get ...

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