Archives February 2008

Note to Hertz (Nickle-and-diming department...)

When your counter staff says you "can" return a car to any location in Toronto and suggests one as being particularly convenient, they should either tell you that there is a charge associated with using that location, or there should be no such charge.

Well, at least they lost a customer out of it.

Going to have to find a Maintainer for OLPCGames (Can't keep doing it in my spare time...)

My "spare" time is rather thin on the ground these days. I'll have to see if I can find someone who can commit to maintain OLPCGames. It just takes way too much time, and since it's not considered part of my official work for the OLPC I'm having to slot it in among the dozens ...

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Giving up on GNUCash (Delegating accounting/bookkeeping)

I've been tracking my corporate books using GNUCash for about 21 months now. At the start it was quite rough (a number of nasty glitches that have since been fixed), but it's served me reasonably well.

In the end the problem isn't the software, it's that the accountants charge the same to read/review the books ...

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