Category archives: Tuxedo

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It's a bad thing when accounting software dumps core (So much for going with the polished consumer-friendly app...)

As you may recall, GNUCash wasn't able to print last week's invoices this weekend. This evening (the first time since then I've sat down to do accounting) GNUCash is core-ing when it tries to load the file. GDB can't pull anything useful out of the core file, as it appears to all be recursive opaque ...

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The best kind of parties (Deep conversations deep into the night...)

Trying to wind down from the party @ Sacha's this evening (got home an hour ago). It was exactly the kind of dinner party I love, lots of banter and wit over dinner with a healthy dose of philosophy, psychology and social commentary to round out the evening. Great cheesecake is a significant plus too. ...

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Unable to get the nVidia card running with AGP (Hours wasted...)

Trying to get the GL operations on the workstation to use AGP (i.e. to not be dog-slow). I can configure with either of the kernel AGP or the NVAGP from the nVidia driver (and the AGP seems to correctly initialise), but it always produces the same result, blank white screen with no interactivity I can ...

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Doesn't quite make up for yesterday (But a very good day in for billables...)

Days when I'm just sitting down and coding straight, instead of bouncing between multiple tasks produce far more final product and get more billable hours in (6.5 today). It also helps when I'm at Linux Caffe, so there's nothing to do but work.

My workstation at home is upgrading itself to xorg-7.0 (modular), or rather, ...

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I can see clearly now (The squinting's gone...)

The difference between Rose's little 17" CRT and the 20" LCD is... striking. Heck, even compared to the old, failing 21" CRT (which was really good in its time) it's a joy. Colours have good range. Quality is good enough that the PVR output actually looks pretty bad (can see the compression artefacts); basically I ...

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That ol' Gentoo Magic (Two days later...)

I told Gentoo to rebuild the whole world a couple of days ago. It updated/built 293 packages, including all of KDE (3.5.2 now), most of the key services (mythtv and the like), firefox, thunderbird, the whole enchilada. It trundled away quietly in the background as I worked, as I played, as I slept, and then ...

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Good news and bad news in CUPS setup (It worked...)

Spent quite a bit of time this morning getting my workstation to print the invoice from Friday. The great news is that kdeprinter is able to do the entire setup for an SMB printer from a little wizard. Not quite point-and-click yet (wasn't able to browse for the printer or machine name, for instance), but ...

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Attempting to build sugar (Between the work-times)

I've been taking breaks every little while to try to get the Sugar environment for the One Laptop Per Child project to build on Gentoo. So far this has just been a matter of having the system build lots of libraries. No big deal, it comes down to a single emerge command to get ...

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Don't forget to reboot your Linux machines every few months (Software upgrades from weeks ago bite me...)

Managed to get the X server into a weird state that just refused to do anything, so I rebooted my workstation. And it could neither find the hardware clock nor start the X server. Apparently I have a new x-org (likely from that security problem a while ago) and the Nvidia driver didn't seem to ...

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Routing is fun (Or my day in un-billables...)

Spent most of the day on a Cinemon support on-site call. The installation was only half-finished, and they didn't have anyone who understood routing or network architectures sufficiently to sort out the unfinished setup. They'd spent weeks trying to fix it (not solid weeks, just weeks of back and forth) with the network guy who ...

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