Category archives: Tuxedo

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Simple caching DNS client for Linux (DNS delay on Sympatico is driving me nuts)

As I'm working over at Soni's I'm using her Sympatico DSL connection. It works reasonably fast when you're actually transferring a file, but DNS resolution takes 5 or 10 seconds. When every test makes 3 or 4 lookups you wind up with a very slow test suite.

What I'd really love is a system-level caching ...

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Finally get workstation up to date (DLL hell resolved)

My workstation has been stuck in a quasi-working state for a long time now (a month?). Basically I updated to Python 2.5, then tried to update to Eric4 since Eric3's dependencies wouldn't build on Python 2.5. The Eric4 thing never worked, so I removed it. A little later when KDE 3.5.5 was marked stable on ...

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That moment of truth (Flipping the switch...)

Finally flipping the "go" switch on the new invoicing system tonight. Going to have to get up at 3:30am to make sure that everything is working properly, so I'm off to sleep now-ish-ly.

Writing this in the shiny-new Firefox that the workstation built while I was off at Linux Caffe this afternoon. Not really thrilled ...

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Almost have the mail server set up (Stand-alone server that's quiet enough to leave on all the time...)

I've just completed testing the new mail server setup. It's basically identical to the setup on my home workstation, save that it's for both Rose and I (and it's running on a dedicated (if low-spec) machine).

Outlook (which Rose uses from her XP laptop) doesn't seem to handle network interruptions very well, it hangs and ...

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Printer installation goes flawlessly (Modulo one routing issue...)

Really quite a pleasant surprise setting up the Brother 2070N here. I've become accustomed to wrestling with printers in Linux; here it was a few short tasks, all laid out nicely in the (online) documentation. Both of my machines printed flawlessly on the first try. Yay.

Only annoying this is that the WRT45GL's certificate was ...

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Should have set up Gentoo instead (Package managment falls down...)

We installed Ubuntu on Soni's machine a while ago, forgoing Gentoo because we figured she should start with a "consumer" oriented distribution. Problem is, first time she runs into a problem I haven't the confidence to fix it by "remote control" (as it were).

In particular, Eric3, though it shows up on the Ubuntu web-site ...

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Something got fixed on my machine (Probably by the gcc and glibc update)

Running the PyOpenGL GLUT demo "", which is basically identical to the standard glxgears program, today I get 1430fps on my workstation, (compared to about 1600 for glxgears today). This same machine was getting around 150fps last week (with either program). I'm guessing the complete system rebuild with gcc 4.x and glibc 2.4.x (which was ...

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Never get too happy about the OS (It'll bite you...)

Okay, not really "bite" you, but you'll hit one of those moments where you have to rebuild the whole thing from scratch just to be sure that everything's going to work happily together. There's major updates to both glibc and gcc now marked stable on Gentoo. I'm going to do a rebuild world to make ...

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Another Gentoo "magic moment" (And an Ubuntu installation...)

Installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake on Soni's machine last night. Install was very simple and seemed to work well. The hard-disk settings application didn't work, and the partitions were all mounted in a weird spot (/tmp) and mounted with NTFS rw, which seems a little dangerous. We didn't figure out how to disable that, but we ...

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