Category archives: Tuxedo

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Have to switch accounting packages (GNUCash just fell down on reporting...)

Had our friend over to look at the books tonight. Just about every operation we attempted in GNUCash (mostly reports, exports, etceteras) failed, either just did nothing or produced reports with $0.00 everywhere. We wound up having to give her screenshots to work with! Given that Ledger SMB is still a work-in-process I'm thinking I'll ...

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Silly script forgot to check for a directory... (xorg recompile fails and drags down the whole show)

The xorg rebuild last night failed shortly after we went to bed. Was missing a directory under /var for the xkb files. Result is that the machine did not work overnight. It also showed 100% memory usage when I got up, looks like a possible leak? Annoying anyway.

Have wasted much of the day trying ...

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Silly script forgot to check for a directory... (xorg recompile fails and drags down the whole show)

The xorg rebuild last night failed shortly after we went to bed. Was missing a directory under /var for the xkb files. Result is that the machine did not work overnight. It also showed 100% memory usage when I got up, looks like a possible leak? Annoying anyway.

Have wasted much of the day trying ...

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Delays and more delays... (Plane and network...)

The plane wound up about 2:45 hours delayed in total (laptop didn't even last 5 minutes on its battery). More frustrating, when I finally got here and sat down to work I couldn't get wpa_supplicant to log into the pycon network. It always wanted to choose the stupid hotel access point and even when I ...

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Apparently it's been a while since I used mythtv (Been down for at least 3 days...)

Being just about exhausted, I thought I'd take an hour or two to catch up on the science fiction shows I watch (Doctor Who, StarGate Atlantis, Battlestar Gallactica, and movies that come along). However, nothing could connect to the back-end server. nmap shows the ports for myth just plain not open. The logs just say ...

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Though necessary, hardware is almost always problematic (At least, I only notice the hardware when there's a problem...)

Wednesday evening one of the (5) fans in the workstation/server at home died. No big deal, you say, the machine has 4 other fans...

I cracked open the case a few hours later to see which fan to replace and the internal cages for the drives were too hot to touch. One of the other ...

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WPA setup under Linux is way too complex (It shouldn't take hours for each computer...)

We run our home/office access point in WPA encrypted mode. This is, AFAIK the only reasonably secure protocol available in the common Linksys WRT* routers.

It works very well on my Gentoo laptop using madwifi (and has worked well for quite a while now). Took a bit of fiddling, probably 4 or 5 hours, but ...

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I get to work at Linux Caffe today! (Yay!)

Have been working at home all month, so haven't been able to get down yet. Today, however, yay! Of course, I was up until 4am last night, so a bit slow off the mark. Oh well, a few hours of collegial atmosphere will do me good before PyGTA.

Beagle and nuvexport working (While I was working...)

Wanted to get a desktop search program running. Decided to try Kerry (a Beagle front-end). The beagle deamon is taking a very long time to run, but I'm guessing that has something to do with having a transcoding going at the same time. I'm trying an export from mythtv to a DivX AVI; it takes ...

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That goes reasonably well (Apparently giving up on sleep is the answer...)

I just gave up on sleeping last night and kept pounding on the code. My hands aren't happy with me, but there are only a very small number of bits still to convert (as far as I can see). While I've been working I've also had the computer compiling Eric/PyQt/SIP/QScintilla (yay, it works, secret is ...

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