Category archives: Tuxedo

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No Orinoco Gold love (Silly pcmcia subsystem no longer has an ioctl operation it requires...)

I came down to Linux Caffe to work today. So far no real work done as it turns out the Orinoco Gold network card can't be loaded. Have tried it with both Kubuntu and Knoppix, neither recognised it and both crashed whenever I touched the touchpad.

Apparently I'll have to upgrade to pcmciautils in order ...

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No suspense yet (Suspend2 doesn't just magically make it work, apparently...)

Well, have spent a good couple of hours trying to get software suspend working on the new laptop. I've got the kernel compiled, but I can't get it to boot. I'm using:
kernel /kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.15-suspend2-r8 root=/dev/ram0
init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda4 resume2=swap:/dev/hda3 noresume2

in grub to boot and the kernel is panicking because it can't find the /dev/ram0 ...

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Apparently joy in technology derives from ownership! (Or at least possession...)

Pleasant VexMeet this evening. I sometimes wonder just how bored people must get hearing me prattle on about things. I really need to get out more so I'm not so driven to talk when I see people... coincidentally...

ACI has loaned me a laptop so I can work on various projects in locations other than ...

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Finally get an IMAP server installed (Local network only...)

I want to be able to access work email from Rose's laptop, but at the moment I'm using Thunderbird with mbox files on my desktop. So, I've now installed an IMAP server on the desktop and am in the process of moving the work email over to using it. I'll have to ssh tunnel into ...

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Sad when you get to having a process for some things (Lost address book and side trips...)

Went to write a business letter this morning and discovered that Thunderbird had hosed my address book (again). There was a warning, but I've become so used to having it trash the collected and default address books (which I don't use) that I didn't realise the report was about the "contacts" address book.

This is ...

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Enjoyable but entirely too long of a day (Conversations galore...)

Plan for the day went off as expected, meeting, then Linux Caffe, then UU, then drinks afterward. I've decided I need to buy myself a laptop, not fair to be using Rose's every day all day, and I find I'm developing a bit of an addiction to not sitting in my room all day every ...

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Tweaks to the laptop configuration (And the glories of graph layout)

This was one of those days where I get to the end of the day and wonder where all the time went. There was an hour or two that disappeared in a meeting, and some little bits of billable time here and there, but mostly I spent the day testing and checking and correcting things ...

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Laptop is getting closer (About 20hrs total I'm guessing...)

The laptop is still trundling away building packages. It's up to 162 of the 183 it has to build, I've seen most of KDE pass by, as well as Firefox and a few others. Unfortunately, some of the versions of the desktop apps (e.g. Firefox) are the "stable" (read old) versions, so I'll have to ...

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Hmm, got a little distracted (Happens sometimes...)

I turned on Rose's laptop last night intending to copy the presentation over and upload it. While I was there, though, I googled for the laptop's model and Linux. Apparently the captive drivers work nicely for the wireless card, and everything else is either working or work-aroundable...

So I downloaded the new Gentoo 2006.0 LiveCD ...

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The key to Asterisk, it turns out... (Is rebuilding kernels obsessively until you find one that works...)

Tim was having such pain building Asterisk on FreeBSD I decided I would try again under Gentoo. Used a fresh kernel version (2.6.15-r5), did a build with the 2.6.14-r5 .config, re-emerged the nVidia driver, rebuilt the zaptel svn, rebooted to the new kernel, saw ztdummy had failed to load, so rebuilt zaptel again and noticed ...

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