Category archives: Tuxedo

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avahi-daemon just works for hostname.local

So I wanted to set up my demo to be available at a friendly local URL when I run it tomorrow, so I decided to check out how avahi is doing these days.

sudo aptitude install avahi-server

Then edit /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf


Restart avahi and your server will show up as <yourhostname>.local (or something similar, if ...

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You got Video in my Django at Django Toronto

Realized this morning that I offered to do a quick talk on how to get video running on your web-site at the Django Toronto tomorrow.  So I've put together a small demonstration that shows creating HLS and RTMP streams (using nginx-rtmp), and a quick demo showing how to push to the server using a video-for-linux ...

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Lazy Caching Proxy Results in Nginx

If you are using nginx as your front-end server for Django, you can also use it as a proxy cache (for smaller websites). You configure the cache like so:

proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$request_uri";
proxy_cache_path  /var/blog/cache  levels=1:2  keys_zone=blogcache:120m;
proxy_temp_path   /var/blog/proxy;
proxy_cache_valid 200 302  5m;
proxy_cache_valid 404      1m;
proxy_cache_use_stale updating;
proxy_cache_bypass $cookie_sessionid;
proxy_no_cache $cookie_sessionid;

The proxy_no_cache and proxy_cache_bypass lines ...

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KDE CD Ripping rocks

Want to get rid of a CD around the house (who uses CDs any more)?  Pop it into your drive, open it with Dolphin, browse to the 'MP3' (or 'Ogg Vorbis') folder and copy the files to your media directory.  The KDE IO system automatically generates (rips) the "files" when the copying process goes to ...

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Prevent PulseAudio from becoming the Default ALSA Device

Pulse, when installed, will unconditionally overwrite your carefully crafted .asoundrc settings that, for instance, use an environment variable to choose the ALSA device on which to output.  This is one of those things that everything tells you "is good", without telling you how it happens, or how to stop it.  Long story short, the offending ...

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Alsa Loopback Devices for Fun, but not yet profit...

So you want to be able to capture the output of N Alsa "devices" (think N separate programs). It seems like the correct solution to this should be an Alsa loopback device... so, here's how to create them.

  • Add snd-aloop to your /etc/modules
  • Add a file named /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-aloop.conf (content below)
  • Create a .asoundrc that makes ...

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Kubuntu really does kinda rock quietly...

I just upgraded our last machine to Kubuntu 12.04 (the laptop has been running it since a beta).  In place update with about 2 minutes offline... Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu really is amazing that way.

The new Kubuntu is pretty much just like the old Kubuntu.  It works, is very pretty, but just gets out of the way ...

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Control Default ALSA Device via Environment Variable

Say you want to target audio to one of N (virtual) devices in ALSA for a tree of processes.  That is, you want to say "hey, all you lot, play out channels 2 and 3 of the sound card as though they were a separate card" and then tell another set of processes to do ...

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Forget "pledges" to release updates and fuzzy timelines

Hey, google/android peoples. Here's a proposal: shame *every* licensee into releasing official unlockers for *every* Android phone ever released.  The unlocker should just install an open bootloader that can install whatever ROM the user wishes (it can scream loudly at the user that they are voiding their warranty, of course).

To be clear; not for ...

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Ugh, lost suspend-resume on the laptop...

Since updating to Ubuntu 11.04, my Thinkpad has, at long last, been able to resume.  Unfortunately, it has also suffered lots of X crashes/hangs from KDE software.  That's kinda frustrating, so I decided to try updating to KDE 4.7 on 11.04, to see if that was more stable.  Unfortunately, the machine is back to never ...

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