Archives week 8 of 2005

Feb. 21, 2005 - Feb. 27, 2005

That sickening, sinking feeling... (If you don't run all of your tests every day (at least), this is what happens)

Spent the whole afternoon and evening working on OpenGLContext. Mostly doing some long-pending refactoring and reorganisation. I moved the "scripts" into their own directory, made the mainloops classmethods of the various context types, and then started in to unify the API for specifying context parameters on startup (via a definition object).

Now, as I got ...

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Oh, about MythTV (What I like, despite the obvious UI problems)

I've been noticing something about MythTV's overall design that is markedly better than the ATI Windows product; namely the split into client and server. On Windows, when the machine started recording a show, a window popped up over my work, a task showed up in the task bar, and I was distracted. The machine was ...

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Guess I should really just go to sleep (Don't seem to be producing any deep insights for PyCon this evening...)

Getting a little too sharp in writing the PyCon paper (egads, it's something like 3.5 weeks away now, we should get a hotel some day soon). It's too easy to start pointing out the little flaws and problems in the conceptualisation of the two protocols (data and non-data descriptors). I don't want the paper to ...

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The day seems to have evaporated (Without much to show for it...)

Basically the whole day was spent tweaking the Linux install. Also did some reading up on backup mechanisms (I'm considering using Bacula). At the moment I'm working on the OOo install. I guess no-one has created a .emerge because the process is so simple:
emerge rpm
<download the binary distribution>
tar -xvf OOo_1.9.m79_native_LinuxIntel_install.tar
rm ...

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Ah, so this is why people want terabytes of storage (30hrs seems so restrictive when two people are sharing a PVR)

MythTV is basically set up and ready-to-ignore. MythWeb is running again (and provides a slightly better UI than mythfrontend for scheduling shows, though I miss the 2-clicks-to-schedule ease-of-use from ATI's Windows software).

I've got Samba set up so that Rosey's machine can access the audio, image and video collections. Rosey's machine has codecs and handlers ...

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Hmm, init.d scripts are more involved than I thought (Refuses to shut down the tv-colour-correcting script)

Have reformatted the media drive, and moved the "heavy" multimedia content (audio, video, images) onto it. That frees up a good amount of space on the root and "user" drives.

Enabled mythweb, but haven't yet figured out how to get Myth to automatically rename the movies to something that Rose's machine is going to be ...

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Pause before that final fateful step (Oops, sent my backup drive off with Tim!)

I ran completely out of disk space this evening. Myth had created a 7GB buffer to provide pause-live-TV support, and coupled with a 1GB movie that filled up my root drive. So I'm about to take the plunge and convert the media partition (formerly NTFS) over to reiserfs and cut off all retreat to Windows. ...

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A day in Linux is an adventure... (Little fixes and bug reports...)

So today I decided I would emerge sync and then update the whole Gentoo world while I was working to try to get a few annoyances fixed. In particular, wanted to see if the new mythtv would fix the colour problems.

First I had to fix a shallow error in the building of Qt, opengl-update ...

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Hmm, what's wrong with the picture settings... (Will be a bit of a pain when recording...)

Turns out that Myth stores picture settings for each channel, but doesn't seem to allow altering those settings, so I can't just use v4lctl to set the values unless I do it every time I change the channel. There's also something weird happening to the audio whenever I record (it suddenly starts sounding tinny and ...

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