Archives Oct. 12, 2004

2-hour test-debug cycles are annoying (Not enough time to do anything significant, not enough to work on another project, but way too much to just sit waiting...)

Been working on the memory-leak problem. Problem is, the system is supposed to "leak" memory for ~ 2 hours as it scans each modem and records it's values. I think I may have solved it 2 hours ago, but I really won't know for another hour or more (even then, the rate of the leak ...

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Ah, the wonders of recursive searching (Search-within-a-search just drops in my lap...)

As mentioned last night, today's first order of business was to get seach working. At the moment this is limited to searching for modems. One of the key requirements, however (again, none of this actually laid out in the original spec, we just decided on Friday) is that search be such that you can optionally ...

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That's it for tonight (Didn't get the search functions working yet...)

There are 3 user stories I'd like to get done for the demo; modem search, data graphs and at least one of the synthetic hierarchy types (devices). I'm about 1/2 done the search story now. The database-access bug on cmon is still keeping it from completing the requirements (i.e. running the full demo), but the ...

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Oct. 11, 2004

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Oct. 13, 2004
