Archives 2006

Didn't get the planned release out for PyOpenGL (Testing on Win32 exposes an error)

There was an error in the new code that shows up on Win32. Looks like a shallow error, something that can be dealt with easily when I have the workstation, but I don't have a development environment here for win32. Anyway, need to get to bed so I can work (and go to PyGTA tomorrow). ...

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What I'd like for PyGTA (Sugar and the One Laptop per Child introduction)

What I'd really like to see for Tuesday would be a local Sugar developer dropping in to give the PyGTA-ers an introduction to the project, both as something to use to develop applications for the project and along the lines of "how do I get involved" or "where is work needed".

However, the guys on ...

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Turns out it was only 1 (or 2) steps too far (Fear is the mind-killer...)

Reworking the refactoring of the system I got back on track and discovered that the design on Tuesday wasn't as bad as I'd thought. I'd obviously taken a step too far into abstraction, but the basic machinery (and the tables defining it) was a good approximation.

Anyway, I'm going to try to work on PyOpenGL ...

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Got too bold in refactoring (Point was to make a first step, not run a marathon)

Yesterday I continued my refactoring of the ISP/VoIP billing and provisioning system... and went too far. I realised I went too far around 4pm, then stayed up past 2am trying to scale back to a reasonable change-set.

The problem basically was that I got so into the project that I started fixing every problem simultaneously, ...

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Refactoring makes you bold about refactoring (5 hours head-down refactoring for client)

After my week's "vacation" during which I basically did refactoring on OpenGL-ctypes I sat down this morning to work on the VoIP provisioning/billing project and thought "I have to fix this stuff". Basically there were issues introduced by the original spec that never got refactored because they were so deep in the assumptions of the ...

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Rather a lot of work on auto-generation (Hours and hours to get back to where I was...)

I spent basically the whole day on the auto-generation code for producing the "raw" API for OpenGL. Mostly this was a pretty heavy refactoring of the ctypes code generator (though there's more I need to do).

The module now generates and is importable with a much simpler module. Still need to try to ...

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Finally get the texts page updated (Wasn't I supposed to be working on something else...)

I finally got around to copying the poems for the last four and a half months over to the texts page. According to my quick count there are 283 poems there now. Really do need to think about some sort of organisational scheme some day.

Kinda weird reading all of those old blog posts. ...

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Short Years

A few short years
In which to love
With such passion
As we might
In hopes that love
Might survive
The sodden grave
Carrying our hopes
Fragile and forlorn
Into fields that we
Will never see
Beyond horizons
We cannot pass
So we might live
Beyond short years

Outstripped Voice

I wanted to love
Your vulnerable strength
Genius outstripping voice
Alone upon a stage
But your keepers
Cannot see the beauty
In your exposure
And it seems it's they
Who run your show

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