Archives 2006

Crouching Teddy

He lies in wait
Lovable teddy bear
Searching for victims
To share his unfettered joy
Scanning the crowds
Gift baskets brimming
For some cute vegetarian
Whose heart is pure
Sipping his latte
Of frothy soy

Panther Kitty

Panther kitty I want to play
Bat words between our paws
Tease them into tangled strings
Yarns to knit new stories
Beats to play new songs
Yet the audience is there
So we must leave off our play
Others share the stage this day

Working around Firefox 1.5's SVG target problems (Sure it's simple, but it takes hours to try all the other hacks...)

Cinemon, as some of you may know, uses SVG graphics as one of its core navigational mechanisms. Until today we've basically had to have users use either the Adobe SVG viewer or be annoyed by the Mozilla browsers loading the whole site into the iframe where the navigation graphic is displayed. This is because Mozilla ...

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Bit of maintenance among the learning tasks... (Or, what I did for the last few days...)

I'm continuing to work on making StarPy a decent platform for writing Asterisk applications. In between I'm working on Cinemon administration (and a bit of code) and little bits of the VoIP project that need handling.

Wound up installing FreeBSD, the HotSpot software and Cinemon on a box for one of our partners. Ran into ...

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Funky GSM playback with Asterisk 1.2.1 (Load issues, maybe...)

I upgraded my Asterisk development machine to 1.2.1 a few days ago (from 1.0.something). Since then I've had really poor playback of the GSM sound files (slowed down dramatically, often dropping out) even to SIP phones connected across a local LAN. Connection and link to remote machines produces fine quality, so I'm assuming it's a ...

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She'd Retract It

So she'll no longer tell us
In her so-circumspect new verse
Of men hard within
Rubbing up against her skin
She'd retract the words
Pretend we'd never heard
Yet what harm if she's bedded
Those mortal yet god-headed
Who are we to judge it fall
When Zeus or 'pollo comes to call
Upon a gentle ...

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Admonition to the Hyades

Be gentle, gentle raining daughters
There's no man born worth
Tears so hot or sharp with pain
Their hearts are hard things
Rocks set against the seas
Not worthy of such devotion
Not capable of proper love
Forget then your wailing
Stop the rain from falling
To drench the o'er watered earth
Let your storms ...

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StarPy Twisted Protocols for Asterisk AMI and Asterisk FastAGI (Release so early it's not even finished yet)

Rather than wait until it's all finished, why not dump the code on the unsuspecting world and let all two or three people who want to use Python with Asterisk play with it. This is still a very early engineering prototype (many of the functions have never been run, let along properly tested), so don't ...

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