Archives 2006
GCCXML seems to want a VC install (Does like the toolkit installation...)
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Got the MS runtime redistributable for VC6-built applications and settled in to start creating the WGL library. Unfortunately, the gccxml instance seems to want to have a Visual C install (not a Toolkit). Sigh.
Distractions clear the mind (Fog of trying the same thing too many times...)
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Just before getting the call about the branch I was (again) cursing the fact that the Win32 installation doesn't have a graphics driver. Well, with the break-time (including talking to Soni) I realised the likely culprit: AGP bus failures due to attempts to use "advanced" (but poorly implemented) features.
Poke through the BIOS a bit ...!-->!-->
That's a bit distracting (Branch falls on our car)
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For some reason Rose parked in our neighbour's driveway last night (they're refinishing the garage in November, but that's two days away). In the wind storm two big (dead) trees in the front yard next door shed major branches (30 or 40cm diameter). One of them went through the window of the house to which ...
Topic Ideas for PyCon (Brainstorming...)
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Since I need to get it done quickly, going to do my brainstorming and workup for PyCon topics online. Obviously won't do the final workup online (since then the surprise and fun is lost), but may as well get some feedback on the ideas to know which proposals to put forward.
When, precisely, did it become the end of the month? (Urgh.)
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Just looked at the calendar and realised there's only 2 days left in October. That means 2 days to put together PyCon talk proposals. 2 days to get the invoicing done. 2 days to get the conference bridge mini-project wrapped up and gone. Sigh.
Some OpenGL-ctypes hacking (Including getting auto-generation working again...)
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Added a GLX sub-package to OpenGL-ctypes today. It was created using the auto-generation mechanism, which had drifted away from the subclass I created a bit. Seem to be back to usable results now.
Tried to get the WGL sub-package created, but didn't have one of the MSVC libraries I needed to do the auto-generation. Also ...!-->!-->
Seneca FOSS conference begins (Keynote and then "artists language" talk...)
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Mozilla keynote was basically about how to make the minimal contributions of many people collect efficiently into a final product.
Now at the "Pure Data" Artist's Language talk. "csound" is a programming language? I'd thought it was a library. Anyway, interesting little patch language, apparently has Python bindings of some form. Same kind of stuff ...!-->!-->
Off to a conference tomorrow and Friday (Seneca FSOSS conference up at York University)
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Going up to a little conference at York University tomorrow morning (8:30 am! I'll have to be out of here by 7:30!). Not presenting, just planning on spending the day "networking" (read talking). If it wraps up early I'll try to get downtown to hit the IEEE discussion of the Cell processor architecture at Ryerson. ...
PyMol shows up on a random computer (Didn't I say I wouldn't do this any more?)
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Rose somehow forgot that I'm trying to stop helping people with their infected Windows machines, so she volunteered me to help her friend. Sigh. Anyway, cool thing happened; browsing the start menu to look for suspicious programs I found PyMol!
I think that's cool. Makes me feel somewhat less dumb about contributing to the network ...!-->!-->
Long day yesterday (Lounging around in bed all day...)
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Had a good day for billable hours yesterday, slightly more than 7 hours. Most of that was solidly productive time, churning through tasks to get the two projects wrapped up. Today won't likely be as productive billables-wise, but I can hope.
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