Archives July 2007
Bugs and refactoring all day (Yawn...)
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Knight Errant.
Spent the day on customer work. Stupid little set of bugs cropped up in some seldom-used code. Sigh. Test coverage could be better. Spent a few hours on further refactoring as well, including adding lots of tests. Kind of stalled on one test where the test fails, but the code works perfectly well on the ...
Getting started on Hare (TurtleGraphics2) (A few little spike tests...)
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Young Coders.
Today I started work on making an IDE and/or rewriting Turtle graphics. I started with a few spike tests. The first was to see how to go about using the rsvg library to render SVG graphics. So far I'm disappointed (or, rather my disappointment is renewed), it does seem you can't get at the DOM ...
Getting the apartment set up (Internet is up (limpingly))
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We're almost done moving. Soni, Georgia and Rose are off taking the last small load of items up to Rose's place. I've just finished getting the server/workstation set up. We're going to try to use the VoIP router as the front-end router for the network. So far it's not going well, it's showing the same ...
Half finished, next half up tomorrow morning (Relocating to our own place)
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Rosey is gone, nice new place up the road of her own. Just about to start packing the car with our stuff to move to our place. Have to tear down the furniture and the like still. Dad will be by with the trailer tomorrow morning. Finally got our Bell bill today so we can ...
Use sys.settrace to animate Python code? (Evil ideas that cross one's mind...)
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Young Coders.
To make a GUI/text IDE work similarly to the Logo-style animated execution you'd need to make the Python code work more slowly than normal. You could probably hook up a sys.settrace that stops when you finish a given operation and waits on a message from the GUI that it's drawn the results (and waited for ...
I want the perfect IDE for kids (Or do I?)
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Young Coders.
A couple of things over the last couple of days have focused my mind on the question of IDEs.
The first is moving to Eric4 from Eric3. The change isn't really all that much, in fact, in the pieces I use there is no particular advantage to the new version (other than that it builds ...
How do I re-install kernel-devel and kernel-headers on Fedora 7? (Trying to boost resolution and fix the keyboard...)
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Young Coders.
My morning was a lot of frustration trying to get the Fedora Core sugar-jhbuild image to a reasonable working state. Basically got stuck trying to get the vmware-tools installed, there are no kernel headers, but yum insists they are already installed and won't install them without ripping out critical components.
Eric 4 builds nicely on Gentoo (With some PORTAGEDEV stuff...)
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Finally got around to updating to Eric 4 on the home workstation/server. Nice looking, though I basically turn off the bulk of the features save the project and file-editing views, and it seems a bit slower and less "snappy" than the Qt3 version. At the moment it doesn't work with my project-management script, so I'll ...
New ISP for the new place (Rogers or DSL?)
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Looking around for a high-speed ISP for the new place. We've been using Rogers for a while, and it's fine, but it does horrible things to Bittorrent (PITA when you're seeding an ISO) and has pretty pitiful upload bandwidth (I often see 2 or 3kb, which with a multi-gig upload...)
Thing is, the DSL providers ...
Ctypes for C++ is going to be a pain due to politics (Bothering language creators is fun...)
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Why can't we have compatible C++ name mangling and/or introspection/reflection such that we could write an FFI library for C++ similar to ctypes for C?
Dr. Stroustrup seemed to be of the mind that there is no technical reason not to be able to do it, but that the individual compiler writers and platform developers ...
Daily archives
- July 1, 2007
- July 2, 2007
- July 4, 2007
- July 5, 2007
- July 6, 2007
- July 10, 2007
- July 12, 2007
- July 13, 2007
- July 14, 2007
- July 16, 2007
- July 19, 2007
- July 20, 2007
- July 21, 2007
- July 22, 2007
- July 25, 2007
- July 27, 2007
- July 29, 2007
- July 30, 2007
- July 31, 2007