Archives July 2007

My XO seems to have lost its touchpad (Well, usability on it, anyway...)

Showing the laptop to a lady yesterday I discovered that the touchpad/trackpad was misbehaving. Moving the cursor would work as long as I was touching the trackpad, but when I took my finger off the trackpad the cursor would jump back (that is, in the reverse of the direction of motion) a couple of cursor-widths ...

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Laptops for Nigeria (Different type...)

Came into the "office" this morning to discover a last-minute project in-process. Project was attempting to get a "boxed" Edubuntu configuration that was to be carted over to Nigeria for one of their model schools. 3 hours to build the whole system.

We wound up with just the server (an old laptop) poorly configured, but ...

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I'd forgotten how loud normal desktops are! (Rescue machine seems less a gift...)

We have a rescue machine here. Soni gave her (reasonably powerful) workstation to a family member in exchange for their tired old machine. It's a consumer-level Compaq, nothing special and I'm sure quite normal seeming to most people.

But it's driving me nuts! It's so loud and annoying!

As of having to replace the old ...

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Compiled GLE DLL for Win32 (For the compiler-less masses...)

I managed to get the regular Toolkit compilation toolchain all configured and ready-to-go this morning. Result is that we now have a pre-compiled GLE DLL available for Win32 for use with PyOpenGL 3.x. Still missing a pre-compiled TCL/Tk extension (Togl) to get to full coverage of the PyOpenGL 2.x functionality.

Need to look at the ...

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