Category archives: Tuxedo

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Have lost suspend-to-ram functionality on the laptop

Today was the first time I connected a projector to the new laptop.  Good news: worked reasonably well, though we couldn't find the option to tell the laptop to display different values on the projector and the screen.

Bad news: something has changed in the settings such that the laptop can no longer recover from ...

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kvm flies on the laptop

Installed kvm on the laptop.  Was a bit annoyed to discover I had to reboot (to alter the BIOS in order to enable the virtualization support in the processors), but other than that was extremely easy to install (just aptitude install kvm (I already had QEMU)).

Compared to vanilla QEMU on the same box the ...

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Need to figure out key-remapping under KDE/X

The new laptop is doing well so far, though I haven't used it for more than writing notes just yet.  However, I'm finding that the placement of the home, end, pgup and pgdown buttons makes it very hard to code on.  For some reason I can't fathom someone put keys that only work for web-browser ...

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Infrastructure sucks time

Just spent more than 13h on getting a new server, Trac, svn, ssl, selenium test-suite configuration and the like set up for a new project.  It's amazing how much time you can spend on this stuff just to get a basic working environment, not anything particularly special mind you, just an environment where you can ...

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Thinking of a W500

I've been checking out various attempts to install Ubuntu on the Thinkpad W500 series...  The system can't switch on-the-fly between the two graphics chips, but it can use the 3D card, which is what I need for OpenGL work.  Thinking I'd go for 2.53GHz and as much RAM as she'll hold, with the higher-resolution screen. ...

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Sys-adminning in the morning...

I've been thinking in the back of my mind that it's probably time to move to Ubuntu (specifically Kubuntu) on the workstation at home.  While I prefer Gentoo for the control it gives me, I have to admit that I really don't have the time to muck about with keeping everything up to date.  So, ...

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Ubuntu rejects Soni's old Machine

Have a rather nice older machine here, P4 with a reasonable video card and memory. Should be a kick-arse Linux machine for our niece and nephew. Except that Ubuntu can't seem to see the disks. It's nothing special, Asus P4P800 SE motherboard with an Intel IDE controller. Should be dirt-simple, but the disk is just ...

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Don't upgrade Dovecot when you're busy (Server configuration completely changed...)

Told Gentoo on the server/workstation to update itself last night, got a shiny new KDE out of it (latest stable 3.x), but it also upgraded Dovecot (the imap server I use). Last little message from the upgrade's set of messages was to the effect of "Dovecot's configuration has completely changed, we encourage you to start ...

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That's usable? (I'm not impressed...)

Building a machine on the side out of the broken laptop for my brother in law, decided to go with Kubuntu (which Soni uses on her laptop) instead of Gentoo, as he doesn't have a connection to the internet, and doesn't have any interest in learning how to administer linux boxes (also, not sure the ...

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Finally got pressure-sensitivity in the pressure-sensitive tablet! (Years later...)

I use an old Wacom Graphire instead of a mouse on my workstation. I've done this for years, and I find it really helps my wrists. It's worked fine as an absolute-mode mouse while in Linux, but it's always been lacking the pressure-sensitivity controls.

Last night I upgraded the machine to the 2.6.22 kernel, and ...

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