Archives March 2004

Little things add up (UI issues all night...)

Got an email from customer' tech asking me to review the logs and see if there was a problem on our end during a given period. So, I check, which takes an hour or so of poking around in various log tables on various running instances, and then start drafting email to say basically "no, ...

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Metaclass lovin (Clarity seems to be infusing the presentation)

So either I'm getting too deep and forgetting the audience, or the whole of the presentation is starting to make sense. Still need the section discussing how to decide when to use them, and a review of how metaclasses fit into the goals of meta-programming. It's fairly clear IMO, however, so yay. It's a much ...

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TwistedSNMP 0.2.8 release (Using something is the best way to get the kinks out...)

Getting there on the full-plant simulation front. Discovered a serious bug in the OIDStore implementations in TwistedSNMP this evening, they were storing with naive alphabetical order when the requirement is for numeric ordering. There's a new release on SourceForge.

Metaclassing for fun and profit (Sometimes you get too deep)

The computer is basically rebuilt. Spent 3 or 4 hours on mechanism to mock up entire SNMP plants, then switched to doing the metaclass presentation. The presentation is going well. Working out kinks in the original, expanding more on what "meta-programming" is, with far more detail on use-cases for metaclasses as examples of meta-programming.

Should be re-installing I suppose (Pausing at the threshold of oblivion...)

Last night went okay; after about 8 different attempts I remembered that for some reason Win2K doesn't like disks > 30GB with Fat32, so no extra "user" space (shared with 2K and Linux) with the new drive. I reached that plateau in an installation where the next logical step commits you to the action. Now that ...

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Yay new toy! (Well, just a hard-disk, but important nonetheless)

Ken dropped off the hard-disk a few minutes ago. Suppose I should start planning how to move over to using it. However, for now, work on creating a full-plant simulator in TwistedSNMP. Then track down why we hang with > 3500 modems on a single CMTS, then do something about tomorrow's visit by mom and dad ...

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Testing can be a bit of a PITA (But it does tend to make you refactor ugly old code)

So, how does one test an entire Cable Plant with 7000 modems where the need is to test, not a few modems, but interactions with the entire system, when the system itself can't (obviously) be put into a given state at will (and, in fact, will never get back to the state you need to ...

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