Archives Sept. 24, 2005

Proportion: Science, Philosophy, Architecture ((reading a book by) Richard Padovan)

I spent the afternoon in the wonderful world of architectural epistomology. Padovan is the author of the book "Dom Hans van der Laan, Modern Primitive" which was the best presentation of the ideas of van der Laan I came across while writing my thesis. I hesitated to pick up "Proportion" because I mistakenly thought I ...

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Guess I should buy a Research Reader's card ($150/year for a library card seems high...)

As I was playing over at Wikipedia I realised (again) that I have no primary source access any more (since leaving university). I really do want access to architectural theorists works. I just don't know that I'll have $150/year worth of books I need that I can't trek down to the Toronto Public Research Library ...

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Numpy goes nuts? (Weird error shows up deep inside OpenGLContext...)

This error popped up about a week ago, but it showed up just as I was finishing work on OpenGL-ctypes, so I never looked into it. This evening it's back in full swing, rendering basically all of OpenGLContext useless. It's showing up with the Numpy 23.7 release (Gentoo stable), and seems to be an obvious ...

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Sept. 23, 2005

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