Archives 2006

Strategic Feathers

Her plumage worked I'll admit
It's not that I could not look away
Or so I want to tell myself
I had to figure it out
Was it really that revealing
Just some strategic feathers
How could she wear that
In a Canadian winter

Sad People on the Train

Sad people on the train
I wish I could share my eyes
To show you how wonderful
How magnificent you are
Don't you see the potential
In each troubled heart
To reach for another
To reach for the stars
Your sad cattle faces
Are not worthy of your souls

A Few Short Hours

In a few short hours
I see more beauty
Than I see in weeks
Yet it is all hollow
Seeing only
Never touching
Nor even talking
So what is gained
Yet still I'd rather see
More within the weeks

My Released Eyes

In the cafe this evening
There was a beautiful lass
For a few moments
She trapped my wayward eyes
Yet when I returned to my table
She'd turned herself plain
And did not my eyes trap again

Eyes of the Pretty People

The vacuous eyes of the pretty people
Stare at me from glossy posters
Trying to entice me
Seemingly unaware that they disgust me
Because at some deep-seated level
I am enticed

Wednesday is the Toronto Philosophy group meeting (Guess that's today now...)

For those interested in discussing ideas in Philosophy, our little group meets in the Daily Express Cafe @ 6pm Wednesday (it's the cafe in the Hotel about 1/2 block West of St. George Street on Bloor). Generally interesting discussions, worth checking out.

Of course, i forgot that tomorrow is also Pearl's birthday party, so I'll ...

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Blocking on system setups (Wasting time trying to work around missing libraries...)

Have spent way too much of today on non-billable work that's basically just trying to work around not-yet-installed system libraries. Could probably have finished the task if I'd had a working environment. Of course, most of that wasted time is my own fault, should have just accepted that the libraries weren't there yet and moved ...

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A Perfect Day

It's beginning to rain
As I walk in the door
Breaking the dense heat
Of a summer's city day
There's smoke in the air
You wanted to see
Whether you could build
A robot from an old TV
Your face covered in soot
Hair pinned up with pens
Bright smile flashing out
As it crawls ...

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Newest StarPy Twisted protocols for Asterisk released (Getting ready to use them for a real world project...)

After a couple or three hours of paying work, sat down to polish the StarPy code to the point where I can use it for writing a real server (also to be paying work). First server should be fairly trivial, it's just a FastAGI instance that attaches to the MySQL CDR database and the provisioning ...

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