Archives 2006

Better parallel iteration for Twisted (Annoying to discover the problem is something so simple...)

I spent a solid 7 hours this afternoon/evening working on Cinemon. Over the last few days I've left the live system running with the code that traps blocks, and it had identified the two places where unreasonably long blocks were occuring.

The second of those two is the one that's been causing problems on the ...

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Poetry and food consume the day (No complaints...)

My plan for today had been to work for a few hours before heading down to the Toronto Poetry Meetup, then come home and work some more. Instead I woke up too late to get any work done, attended the (quite pleasant) TPM (basically a low-key workshop), then headed home thinking I'd work on the ...

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Just what I needed (If not the most productive of days...)

Spent the whole day at Linux Caffe (~13 hours). Putatively working on my thesis for the first 6 or 7 hours, but that broke down into conversations for about 80% of the time. After that I just gave up and talked to people, though there was a brief episode where I tried to get the ...

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Maybe a signal-based timeout watcher should be in every Twisted app (Just a little something to log any uncaught blocking...)

Very long day today. Some template rework on the VoIP project. Lots of debugging on Cinemon to try to catch a hanging condition. Eventually decided to use the trick from James Knight to track down every blocking operation in the application.

So far only found one block of 5s or more; the point where the ...

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Shidan suggests a predictive dialer app (Doesn't seem hard, but is it what I want to do...)

Shidan was mentioning that they might be interested in a predictive dialer application. It's a fairly straightforward system, you have a statistical algorithm that tries to predict how many operators will become free over the next X seconds (taking currently length of each call into account), another algorithm figures out how many connections will go ...

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The key to Asterisk, it turns out... (Is rebuilding kernels obsessively until you find one that works...)

Tim was having such pain building Asterisk on FreeBSD I decided I would try again under Gentoo. Used a fresh kernel version (2.6.15-r5), did a build with the 2.6.14-r5 .config, re-emerged the nVidia driver, rebuilt the zaptel svn, rebooted to the new kernel, saw ztdummy had failed to load, so rebuilt zaptel again and noticed ...

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To poetry events this weekend (we go) (Slam on Friday, Meetup on Saturday)

For those poetry writers in Toronto, there's a Poetry Slam on Friday at 9pm at the Victory Cafe (581 Markham Street, near Bathurst and Bloor). Poetry slams being competitive live poetry composition/reading. There's a $5 cover at this one. For the less rambunctious lovers of the word, there's a Poetry Meetup on Saturday at 4pm ...

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When did I lose the joy in playing with new computers? (Not even remotely a hardware guy any more...)

Dad gave Rosey a new laptop a week or two ago. I've been dragging my heels on getting it set up for her, but tonight I decided to get cracking on it. Nothing too involved, getting the networking set up, checking out what's there, figuring out how to install Linux on it so I can ...

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