Archives July 2006

Rather intense day of training (Didn't intend it to be that long...)

Training our new (sub)contractor on the (VoIP) billing system today by working on the new invoice-printing code. I'd intended it to be a short day, 7 hours and lots of time to digest, but somehow we seemed to zone out for the last 3 hours or so and only came to when Seneca mentioned that ...

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PyGTA this Tuesday, 6:30PM at Linux Caffe (Starting earlier to get finished earlier...)

PyGTA this month is going to try starting 1/2 hour earlier, at 6:30, instead of 7:00. Linux Caffe stays open just for us on these nights, so we're going to try to finish around 8:30 or so so that they can get home to their loved ones. We'll do mostly socialisation and chatting for the ...

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Things I need to buy (And a thing I want to buy...)

I need to buy a printer for the company. I'm guessing the invoices would have printed if I'd had a local printer instead of printing via SMB and CUPS to Rose's printer (it seems that only the Windows version of Adobe's PDF viewer and the Windows printer had problems with the PDFs that GNUCash was ...

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Printing invoices is somewhat key to cashflow (5 hours of flailing about...)

As I've mentioned a few times, GNUCash wasn't able to print out the invoice from last week. Neither for this week, it turns out. That's not good. I need to have the invoices going out if money is going to come in.

So, the 10 minute job I was planning on this afternoon has now ...

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Am I becoming a sleep addict? (Return of dreams makes it so attractive...)

Don't know why, but the past week I've been waking up every night multiple times from vivid, (and weird (read symbolic)), dreams. I like dreaming, particularly when I can feel the subconscious grinding over a problem. A sort of pleasurable symbolic calculus that's constantly solving itself in pictures... The problem is that dreaming requires sleeping, ...

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Learning and experience days are important (Taking a day to get up close and personal with SQLObject)

Decided this morning that I wanted more experience with TurboGears. I decided to re-implement the http log file analysis project I did a while ago as a TurboGears project (previously it generated static HTML files). The project basically performs whole-set analysis on about 150MB of log files to allow me to view hierarchically organised and ...

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It's a bad thing when accounting software dumps core (So much for going with the polished consumer-friendly app...)

As you may recall, GNUCash wasn't able to print last week's invoices this weekend. This evening (the first time since then I've sat down to do accounting) GNUCash is core-ing when it tries to load the file. GDB can't pull anything useful out of the core file, as it appears to all be recursive opaque ...

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Working the whole day lying down (This laptop gets *hot*!)

Spent the entire day working in bed with the laptop. It's reasonably comfortable, though my upper back gets stiff and sore (and my eyes don't like it much). It's a nice change of pace from the lower back pain of normal working. Anyway, not a spectacular day for billables, but a reasonable 4.5 hours. Think ...

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The best kind of parties (Deep conversations deep into the night...)

Trying to wind down from the party @ Sacha's this evening (got home an hour ago). It was exactly the kind of dinner party I love, lots of banter and wit over dinner with a healthy dose of philosophy, psychology and social commentary to round out the evening. Great cheesecake is a significant plus too. ...

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Unable to get the nVidia card running with AGP (Hours wasted...)

Trying to get the GL operations on the workstation to use AGP (i.e. to not be dog-slow). I can configure with either of the kernel AGP or the NVAGP from the nVidia driver (and the AGP seems to correctly initialise), but it always produces the same result, blank white screen with no interactivity I can ...

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